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                厂房办公空间▂ 别墅豪宅 酒店商场 机电安装 暖通空调 无尘净化 节能环保
                办公空间 厂房车间 别墅豪宅 星级酒店 商场超市 机电安装 暖通空调 无尘净化 节能环保
                公司新闻 行业新闻


                HONJU GROUP


                当前所在页面: 首页>>工程鉴赏>>星级酒店




                There are countless luxury hotels around the world and although they might be remarkable in a number of ways, whether it be service, comfort, facilities, with grand, modern, or historic features, there’s only a handful that we’d intentionally seek out to experience. Taking over the top six floors of Otemachi Tower, Aman takes an understated yet luxurious approach to hospitality that makes it an urban retreat quite unlike anywhere else.

                东京安缦酒店由Kerry Hill Architects设计,通过↘一系列独特的设计元素巧妙地展现自己,将传统的日本设计与当代〓的优雅完美地融合在一起。以樟木、和纸、石头等日本◣材料为特色,它们与现代技术和各种织物和纹理融合,创造出光影微妙的相互作用々,给房间带来温暖甚至家庭的感卐觉。这些房间的一个特别亮点是浴室,传统的furo浴缸依偎在窗◆户旁边。

                Designed by Kerry Hill Architects, Aman Tokyo cleverly reveals itself through a series of unique design elements, beautifully blending traditional Japanese design with contemporary elegance. Featuring Japanese materials such as camphor wood, washi paper, and stone, they are fused with modern technology and a variety of fabrics and textures to create a subtle interplay of shadow and light, giving the rooms a warm and even homely feel. A particular highlight of the rooms is the bathroom with a traditional furo soaking tub nestled right next to the window.

                然而,最引人⌒注目的是30米高√的游泳池,两侧是㊣ 宽敞的双人床,非常适合看书或凝视壮丽的天际★线。更衣室设有蒸汽房,传统的日本和西方淋浴,和热Ψ的日本浴缸。安曼的水疗理念包括通过运动、治疗和治疗、放松和营养来实现整∩体健康。日本的健康传统,从禅宗哲学和冥想到Kampoall,都承认自然和平衡是保持健康的关键因素。东京安缦酒店借鉴了这种理解,并提供了一些不同于其他酒店的东西。

                The centrepiece however, is the striking 30-metre swimming pool flanked by generously-spaced double daybeds, ideal for passing a few hours with a book or simply gazing at the magnificent skyline. Changing rooms feature steam rooms, traditional Japanese and Western showers, and hot Japanese baths.The spa philosophy at Aman embraces a holistic approach to wellness through movement, treatments and therapies, relaxation, and nutrition. The wellness traditions of Japan from Zen philosophy and meditation, to Kampoall acknowledge that nature and balance are key factors in maintaining good health. Aman Tokyo draws on this understanding and offers something unlike so many others.

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